Middle School (6th)


We use a traditional approach, emphasizing strong skills in reading, math, science, and social studies with a 21st-century curriculum.  We offer Enriched reading and math to differentiate instruction. Each classroom has access to Smart Boards, computers, iPads, and Chromebooks. Students also benefit from our extensive library, S.T.R.E.A.M. integrated lessons, daily physical education classes, and weekly liturgical music, Latin, art, and technology classes. Our students are fluent in using Google applications in all subject areas. They also receive weekly Atrium lessons in which Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program is taught. Our Middle school students get so many leadership opportunities throughout the school year. It really is a special time in their lives. From the Christmas play to the Outdoor school at the end of the year, they each get their own special time to shine and share their own gifts that God has given them.